I love birds. It started back in high school when we watched The Big Year in AP Biology class. The film follows Jack Black and Owen Wilson as rival birdwatchers who are competing to identify the most birds in a single year. Lame? To most. To me? It started a casual love for the natural beauty of birds. Fratellos Waterfront in Appleton, with their scenic windows, allows for prime views of a variety of the majestic flyers on the water and even better tastes of them on your plate.
In A Bite
Ambiance: Upscale with riverview
Music: Pop
Service: Professional & Friendly
Price: $$
Food Style: Mixed American
What to Order: Charred Chicken Sandwich
Go Again?: Yes
The Whole Plate
Now, before we move on, I should clarify that the birds on the water are not the same birds on the plate. Looking out the large windows facing the river, you can see pelicans, loons, terns, and mallards hunting for a meal, all while we hunted for a meal of our own on the menu.
But back to the other side of the restaurant, Fratellos Waterfront is housed in a historical brick building on Water Street as you come down the hill from College Avenue. There’s something about the brick, weathered and aged, that says “I’ve got some stories to tell.” And that story is that it was one of the first hydroelectric power plants in North America!
Well… An exact replica of the first hydroelectric power plants in North America. The first one burned down along with Appleton’s paper mill. BUT the replica was rebuilt soon after with painstaking accuracy to the first one so can we just say it’s the same? Over a century later, the building generates energy for humans instead of the city.
Get it? Because, like, food is energy for humans and restaurants “generate” food? Nevermind… So, anyways, parking is kinda tight down on the river but they expanded recently so it’s gotten a little bit better. This expansion also lends to some nice outdoor seating.
Inside, you’ll want to try and get a seat on the lower level for a better view of the river. Unless you’re just there for the bar, in which case, turn left and see ya later. While the large windows facing the water draw your attention with natural light and scenic views, the interior decorations are upscale while alluding to the industrial nature of the building. The outside brick shows on the inside and if you look up, you can see old metal from power equipment in the open ceiling plan. There’s also some art? I think it’s art…
A few things that detract from the beautiful ambiance, and I’m being nitpicky here, were the millions of dead bugs splattered against the exterior of the windows. Not the most pleasant sight. The chairs were surprisingly heavy and were tough to scooch in. So, gents, be chivalrous. The last thing that bothered me was the extension cord for an uplight tossed beneath my feet. I had to kick out of the way and eventually reran it myself.
When we were seated around 3:30, there was practically no one in the restaurant. I’m pretty sure the manager was prepping in the upper level for the dinner crowd. However, our server was very attentive and friendly without being overbearing as we were the only ones to serve.
We devoured a plate of bruschetta with tomato and mozzarella with a crowd-pleasing balsamic drizzle.
The bird we ate was squished between a focaccia bun with a cheesy bechamel and fig spread oozing off the sides. It was the char-grilled chicken sandwich Lindsay ordered and it was delightfully balanced with fresh flavors. Fig isn’t often incorporated into Wisconsin cuisine but the way the spread and the bechamel dance together on your tongue to the music of the prosciutto and caramelized onions, it was the finest gala a chicken could have. If chickens could have galas. I’m sure someone out there has held a gala for chickens. But in the nature of galas, this was a sandwich that kept on giving. I just kept trading bites with Lindsay and we were both satisfied.
On a disappointing note, I was trading bites of the arugula pizza, which I believe to be a seasonal dish as it is on longer on the menu. Although tasty, it wasn’t the best. The prosciutto and pear on the pizza were the best part as the arugula was over dressed for my taste and left the crust soggy. Who wants a soggy crust? Lindsay. So I gave her those bites and I continued to attend the finest gala of the year with a sexy chicken.
Dare I even say Fratellos chicken sandwich is better than a Chick-Fil-A or Popeyes chicken sandwich? In manyways, it cannot compare because the flavors are next-level delicious. But it’s still a chicken sandwich, and therefore comparable. Well, you can decide for yourself. And when you’re done with your meal, take a quick stroll along the river and head towards the sunset. You’ll end up at a small park overlooking the river. Sit down on one of the swings, take in the view, and breathe in the fresh air as you listen to the birds in the distance. A realization should overtake you; the realization that I’m right about the sandwich.
Other notes from Lindsay: David is correct in that the chicken sandwich was incredible. While we haven’t gone back for another, we are sure to soon. I’m a big fan of the cheese/fruit flavor combo. If you aren’t a fan of that, then you will not like the sandwich. I also agree that David’s pizza was not good.
While David forgot to mention the chocolate cake (photo below), I’m not sure how he could forget about that slice of a chocolate dream. It was very dense, fudgy, and rich. It’s the perfect dessert to split and still have a satisfied sweet tooth.
Whenever we review a restaurant, at least one of us has to check out the bathroom. I mean, think about it…if the bathroom is sketchy, it makes you think twice about everything. How clean is the kitchen then? Do I want to eat their food? I’m happy to report that not only was the bathroom very nice, it had the best lighting EVER. Go take some selfies while you wait for your food to arrive. Not even joking.